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American English Lesson 15

Listen to the example:





Lesson Text 8:4 – 9:21 (Acts).

15.1-A Repeat each sentence.

The believers who were scattered (The believers who were scattered) / went everywhere, preaching the message. (went everywhere, preaching the message.) / The believers who were scattered went everywhere, preaching the message. (The believers who were scattered went everywhere, preaching the message.) / Philip went to the principal city in Samaria (Philip went to the principal city in Samaria) / and preached the Messiah to the people there. (and preached the Messiah to the people there.) / Philip went to the principal city in Samaria and preached the Messiah to the people there. (Philip went to the principal city in Samaria and preached the Messiah to the people there.)

The crowds paid close attention to what Philip said, (The crowds paid close attention to what Philip said,) / as they listened to them and saw the miracles that he performed. (as they listened to them and saw the miracles that he performed.) / The crowds paid close attention to what Philip said, as they listened to them and saw the miracles that he performed. (The crowds paid close attention to what Philip said, as they listened to them and saw the miracles that he performed.) / Evil spirits came out from many people with a loud cry, (Evil spirits came out from many people with a loud cry,) / and many paralyzed and lame people were healed. (and many paralyzed and lame people were healed.) / Evil spirits came out from many people with a loud cry, and many paralyzed and lame people were healed. (Evil spirits came out from many people with a loud cry, and many paralyzed and lame people were healed.) / So there was great joy in that city. (So there was great joy in that city.)

A man named Simon lived there, (A man named Simon lived there,) / who for some time had astounded the Samaritans with his magic. (who for some time had astounded the Samaritans with his magic.) / A man named Simon lived there, who for some time had astounded the Samaritans with his magic. (A man named Simon lived there, who for some time had astounded the Samaritans with his magic.) / He claimed that he was someone great, (He claimed that he was someone great,) / and everyone in the city, (and everyone in the city,) / from all classes of society, (from all classes of society,) / paid close attention to him. (paid close attention to him.) / He claimed that he was someone great, and everyone in the city, from all classes of society, paid close attention to him. (He claimed that he was someone great, and everyone in the city, from all classes of society, paid close attention to him.)

Lesson 15A
00:00 / 05:12

Listen to the example:




15.1-A Repeat each sentence.

He is that power of God (He is that power of God) / known as The Great Power, they said. (known as The Great Power, they said.) / He is that power of God known as The Great Power, they said. (He is that power of God known as The Great Power, they said.) / They paid this attention to him (They paid this attention to him) / because for such a long time he had astonished them with his magic. (because for such a long time he had astonished them with his magic.) / They paid this attention to him because for such a long time he had astonished them with his magic. (They paid this attention to him because for such a long time he had astonished them with his magic.)

But when they believed Philip’s message (But when they believed Philip’s message) / about the good news of the Kingdom of God (about the good news of the Kingdom of God ) / and about Jesus Christ, (and about Jesus Christ,) / they were baptized, (they were baptized,) / both men and women. (both men and women.) / But when they believed Philip’s message about the good news of the Kingdom of God and about Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. (But when they believed Philip’s message about the good news of the Kingdom of God and about Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.) / Simon himself also believed; (Simon himself also believed;) / and after being baptized, (and after being baptized,) / he stayed close to Philip. (he stayed close to Philip.) / Simon himself also believed; and after being baptized, he stayed close to Philip. (Simon himself also believed; and after being baptized, he stayed close to Philip.)

He was astounded (He was astounded) / when he saw the great wonders and miracles (when he saw the great wonders and miracles) / that were being performed. (that were being performed.) / He was astounded when he saw the great wonders and miracles that were being performed. (He was astounded when he saw the great wonders and miracles that were being performed.)

The apostles in Jerusalem (The apostles in Jerusalem) / heard that the people of Samaria had received the word of God, (heard that the people of Samaria had received the word of God,) / so they sent Peter and John to them. (so they sent Peter and John to them.) / The apostles in Jerusalem heard that the people of Samaria had received the word of God, so they sent Peter and John to them. (The apostles in Jerusalem heard that the people of Samaria had received the word of God, so they sent Peter and John to them.)

Lesson 15B
00:00 / 05:20

Listen to the example:




15.1-A Repeat each sentence.

When they arrived, (When they arrived,) / they prayed for the believers (they prayed for the believers) / that they might receive the Holy Spirit. (that they might receive the Holy Spirit.) / When they arrived, they prayed for the believers that they might receive the Holy Spirit. (When they arrived, they prayed for the believers that they might receive the Holy Spirit.)

For the Holy Spirit (For the Holy Spirit) / had not yet come down on any of them; (had not yet come down on any of them;) / they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. (they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.) / For the Holy Spirit had not yet come down on any of them; they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. (For the Holy Spirit had not yet come down on any of them; they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.) / Then Peter and John (Then Peter and John) / placed their hands on them, (placed their hands on them,) / and they received the Holy Spirit. (and they received the Holy Spirit.) / Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. (Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.)

Simon saw (Simon saw) / that the Spirit had been given to the believers (that the Spirit had been given to the believers) / when the apostles placed their hands on them. (when the apostles placed their hands on them.) / Simon saw that the Spirit had been given to the believers when the apostles placed their hands on them. (Simon saw that the Spirit had been given to the believers when the apostles placed their hands on them.) / So he offered money to Peter and John, (So he offered money to Peter and John,) / and said, Give this power to me too, (and said, Give this power to me too,) / so that anyone I place my hands on (so that anyone I place my hands on) / will receive the Holy Spirit. (will receive the Holy Spirit.) / So he offered money to Peter and John, and said, Give this power to me too, so that anyone I place my hands on will receive the Holy Spirit. (So he offered money to Peter and John, and said, Give this power to me too, so that anyone I place my hands on will receive the Holy Spirit.)

But Peter answered him, (But Peter answered him,) / May you and your money go to hell, (May you and your money go to hell,) / for thinking that you can buy God’s gift with money. (for thinking that you can buy God’s gift with money.) / But Peter answered him, May you and your money go to hell, for thinking that you can buy God’s gift with money. (But Peter answered him, May you and your money go to hell, for thinking that you can buy God’s gift with money.) / You have no part or share in our work, (You have no part or share in our work,) / because your heart is not right in God’s sight. (because your heart is not right in God’s sight.) / You have no part or share in our work, because your heart is not right in God’s sight. (You have no part or share in our work, because your heart is not right in God’s sight.)

Lesson 15C
00:00 / 06:38

Listen to the example:




15.1-A Repeat each sentence.

Repent of this evil plan of yours, (Repent of this evil plan of yours,) / and pray to the Lord (and pray to the Lord) / that he will forgive you (that he will forgive you) / for thinking such a thing as this. (for thinking such a thing as this.) / Repent of this evil plan of yours, and pray to the Lord that he will forgive you for thinking such a thing as this. (Repent of this evil plan of yours, and pray to the Lord that he will forgive you for thinking such a thing as this.) / For I see that you are full of bitter envy (For I see that you are full of bitter envy) / and are a prisoner of sin. (and are a prisoner of sin.) / For I see that you are full of bitter envy and are a prisoner of sin. (For I see that you are full of bitter envy and are a prisoner of sin.)

Simon said to Peter and John, (Simon said to Peter and John,) / Please pray to the Lord for me, (Please pray to the Lord for me,) / so that none of these things you spoke of (so that none of these things you spoke of) / will happen to me. (will happen to me.) / Simon said to Peter and John, Please pray to the Lord for me, so that none of these things you spoke of will happen to me. (Simon said to Peter and John, Please pray to the Lord for me, so that none of these things you spoke of will happen to me.)

After they had given their testimony (After they had given their testimony) / and proclaimed the Lord’s message, (and proclaimed the Lord’s message,) / Peter and John went back to Jerusalem. (Peter and John went back to Jerusalem.) / After they had given their testimony and proclaimed the Lord’s message, Peter and John went back to Jerusalem. (After they had given their testimony and proclaimed the Lord’s message, Peter and John went back to Jerusalem.) / On their way (On their way) / they preached the Good News (they preached the Good News) / in many villages of Samaria. (in many villages of Samaria.) / On their way they preached the Good News in many villages of Samaria. (On their way they preached the Good News in many villages of Samaria.)

An angel of the Lord said to Philip, (An angel of the Lord said to Philip,) / Get ready and go south (Get ready and go south) / to the road that goes from Jerusalem to Gaza. (to the road that goes from Jerusalem to Gaza.) / An angel of the Lord said to Philip, Get ready and go south to the road that goes from Jerusalem to Gaza. (An angel of the Lord said to Philip, Get ready and go south to the road that goes from Jerusalem to Gaza.) / So Philip got ready and went. (So Philip got ready and went.)

Now an Ethiopian eunuch, (Now an Ethiopian eunuch,) / who was an important official (who was an important official) / in charge of the treasury of the queen of Ethiopia, (in charge of the treasury of the queen of Ethiopia,) / was on his way home. (was on his way home.) / Now an Ethiopian eunuch, who was an important official in charge of the treasury of the queen of Ethiopia, was on his way home. (Now an Ethiopian eunuch, who was an important official in charge of the treasury of the queen of Ethiopia, was on his way home.)

Lesson 15D
00:00 / 06:28

Listen to the example:




15.1-A Repeat each sentence.

He had been to Jerusalem (He had been to Jerusalem) / to worship God (to worship God) / and was going back home in his carriage. (and was going back home in his carriage.) / He had been to Jerusalem to worship God and was going back home in his carriage. (He had been to Jerusalem to worship God and was going back home in his carriage.)

As he rode along, (As he rode along,) / he was reading (he was reading) / from the book of the prophet Isaiah. (from the book of the prophet Isaiah.) / As he rode along, he was reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah. (As he rode along, he was reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah.) / The Holy Spirit said to Philip, (The Holy Spirit said to Philip,) / Go over to that carriage (Go over to that carriage) / and stay close to it. (and stay close to it.) / The Holy Spirit said to Philip, Go over to that carriage and stay close to it. (The Holy Spirit said to Philip, Go over to that carriage and stay close to it.)

Philip ran over (Philip ran over) / and heard him reading (and heard him reading) / from the book of the prophet Isaiah. (from the book of the prophet Isaiah.) / Philip ran over and heard him reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah. (Philip ran over and heard him reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah.) / He asked him, (He asked him,) / Do you understand what you are reading? (Do you understand what you are reading?) / He asked him, Do you understand what you are reading? (He asked him, Do you understand what you are reading?)

The official replied, (The official replied,) / How can I understand (How can I understand) / unless someone explains it to me? (unless someone explains it to me?) / The official replied, How can I understand unless someone explains it to me? (The official replied, How can I understand unless someone explains it to me?) / And he invited Philip (And he invited Philip) / to climb up and sit in the carriage with him. (to climb up and sit in the carriage with him.) / And he invited Philip to climb up and sit in the carriage with him. (And he invited Philip to climb up and sit in the carriage with him.)

The official asked Philip, (The official asked Philip,) / Tell me, (Tell me,) / of whom is the prophet saying this? (of whom is the prophet saying this?) / Of himself or of someone else? (Of himself or of someone else?) / The official asked Philip, Tell me, of whom is the prophet saying this? Of himself or of someone else? (The official asked Philip, Tell me, of whom is the prophet saying this? Of himself or of someone else?) / Then Philip began to speak; (Then Philip began to speak;) / starting from this passage of scripture, (starting from this passage of scripture,) / he told him the Good News about Jesus. (he told him the Good News about Jesus.) / Then Philip began to speak; starting from this passage of scripture, he told him the Good News about Jesus. (Then Philip began to speak; starting from this passage of scripture, he told him the Good News about Jesus.)

Lesson 15E
00:00 / 06:20

Listen to the example:




15.1-A Repeat each sentence.

As they traveled down the road, (As they traveled down the road,) / they came to a place where there was some water. (they came to a place where there was some water.) / As they traveled down the road, they came to a place where there was some water. (As they traveled down the road, they came to a place where there was some water.) / The official said, (The official said,) / Here is some water. (Here is some water.) / The official said, Here is some water. (The official said, Here is some water.) / What is to keep me from being baptized? (What is to keep me from being baptized?) / The official ordered the carriage to stop, (The official ordered the carriage to stop,) / and both Philip and the official went down into the water, (and both Philip and the official went down into the water,) / and Philip baptized him. (and Philip baptized him.) / The official ordered the carriage to stop, and both Philip and the official went down into the water, and Philip baptized him. (The official ordered the carriage to stop, and both Philip and the official went down into the water, and Philip baptized him.)

When they came up out of the water, (When they came up out of the water,) / the Spirit of the Lord took Philip away. (the Spirit of the Lord took Philip away.) / When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord took Philip away. (When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord took Philip away.) / The official did not see him again, (The official did not see him again,) / but continued on his way, full of joy. (but continued on his way, full of joy.) / The official did not see him again, but continued on his way, full of joy. (The official did not see him again, but continued on his way, full of joy.)

Philip found himself in another city. (Philip found himself in another city.) / He went on to Caesarea, (He went on to Caesarea,) / and on the way he preached the Good News in every town. (and on the way he preached the Good News in every town.) / He went on to Caesarea, and on the way he preached the Good News in every town. (He went on to Caesarea, and on the way he preached the Good News in every town.)

In the meantime (In the meantime) / Saul kept up his violent threats of murder (Saul kept up his violent threats of murder) / against the followers of the Lord. (against the followers of the Lord.) / In the meantime Saul kept up his violent threats of murder against the followers of the Lord. (In the meantime Saul kept up his violent threats of murder against the followers of the Lord.) / He went to the High Priest (He went to the High Priest) / and asked for letters of introduction (and asked for letters of introduction) / to the synagogues in Damascus, (to the synagogues in Damascus,) / He went to the High Priest and asked for letters of introduction to the synagogues in Damascus, (He went to the High Priest and asked for letters of introduction to the synagogues in Damascus,)

Lesson 15F
00:00 / 05:45

Listen to the example:




15.1-A Repeat each sentence.

so that if he should find there (so that if he should find there) / any followers of the Way of the Lord, (any followers of the Way of the Lord,) / so that if he should find there any followers of the Way of the Lord, (so that if he should find there any followers of the Way of the Lord,) / he would be able to arrest them, (he would be able to arrest them,) / both men and women, (both men and women,) / and bring them back to Jerusalem. (and bring them back to Jerusalem.) / he would be able to arrest them, both men and women, and bring them back to Jerusalem. (he would be able to arrest them, both men and women, and bring them back to Jerusalem.)

As Saul was coming near the city of Damascus, (As Saul was coming near the city of Damascus,) / suddenly a light from the sky flashed around him. (suddenly a light from the sky flashed around him.) / As Saul was coming near the city of Damascus, suddenly a light from the sky flashed around him. (As Saul was coming near the city of Damascus, suddenly a light from the sky flashed around him.) / He fell to the ground (He fell to the ground) / and heard a voice saying to him, (and heard a voice saying to him,) / Saul, Saul. Why do you persecute me? (Saul, Saul. Why do you persecute me?) / He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, Saul, Saul! Why do you persecute me? (He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, Saul, Saul! Why do you persecute me?)

Who are you, Lord? he asked. (Who are you, Lord? he asked.) / I am Jesus, whom you persecute, (I am Jesus, whom you persecute,) / the voice said. (the voice said.) / I am Jesus, whom you persecute, the voice said. (I am Jesus, whom you persecute, the voice said.) / But get up and go into the city, (But get up and go into the city,) / where you will be told what you must do. (where you will be told what you must do.) / But get up and go into the city, where you will be told what you must do. (But get up and go into the city, where you will be told what you must do.)

The men who were traveling with Saul (The men who were traveling with Saul) / had stopped, not saying a word; (had stopped, not saying a word;) / they heard the voice but could not see anyone. (they heard the voice but could not see anyone.) / The men who were traveling with Saul had stopped, not saying a word; they heard the voice but could not see anyone. (The men who were traveling with Saul had stopped, not saying a word; they heard the voice but could not see anyone.)

Saul got up from the ground (Saul got up from the ground) / and opened his eyes, (and opened his eyes,) / but could not see a thing. (but could not see a thing.) / Saul got up from the ground and opened his eyes, but could not see a thing. (Saul got up from the ground and opened his eyes, but could not see a thing.)

Lesson 15G
00:00 / 05:43

Listen to the example:




15.1-A Repeat each sentence.

So they took him by the hand (So they took him by the hand) / and led him into Damascus. (and led him into Damascus.) / So they took him by the hand and led him into Damascus. (So they took him by the hand and led him into Damascus.)

For three days he was not able to see, (For three days he was not able to see,) / and during that time (and during that time) / he did not eat or drink anything. (he did not eat or drink anything.) / For three days he was not able to see, and during that time he did not eat or drink anything. (For three days he was not able to see, and during that time he did not eat or drink anything.)

There was a believer in Damascus (There was a believer in Damascus) / named Ananias. (named Ananias.) / There was a believer in Damascus named Ananias. (There was a believer in Damascus named Ananias.) / He had a vision (He had a vision) / in which the Lord said to him, Ananias. (in which the Lord said to him, Ananias.) / He had a vision in which the Lord said to him, Ananias. (He had a vision in which the Lord said to him, Ananias.) / Here I am, Lord, he answered. (Here I am, Lord, he answered.)

The Lord said to him, (The Lord said to him,) / Get ready and go to Straight Street, (Get ready and go to Straight Street,) / and at the house of Judas (and at the house of Judas) / ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul. (ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul.) / The Lord said to him, Get ready and go to Straight Street, and at the house of Judas ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul. (The Lord said to him, Get ready and go to Straight Street, and at the house of Judas ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul.) / He is praying, (He is praying,) / and in a vision (and in a vision) / he has seen a man named Ananias come in (he has seen a man named Ananias come in) / and place his hands on him (and place his hands on him) / so that he might see again. (so that he might see again.) / He is praying, and in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come in and place his hands on him so that he might see again. (He is praying, and in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come in and place his hands on him so that he might see again.)

Ananias answered, (Ananias answered,) / Lord, many people have told me about this man (Lord, many people have told me about this man) / and about all the terrible things he has done (and about all the terrible things he has done) / to your people in Jerusalem. (to your people in Jerusalem.) / Ananias answered, Lord, many people have told me about this man and about all the terrible things he has done to your people in Jerusalem. (Ananias answered, Lord, many people have told me about this man and about all the terrible things he has done to your people in Jerusalem.)

Lesson 15H
00:00 / 06:04

Listen to the example:




15.1-A Repeat each sentence.

And he has come to Damascus (And he has come to Damascus) / with authority from the chief priests (with authority from the chief priests) / to arrest all who worship you. (to arrest all who worship you.) / And he has come to Damascus with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who worship you. (And he has come to Damascus with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who worship you.)

The Lord said to him, (The Lord said to him,) / Go, because I have chosen him to serve me, (Go, because I have chosen him to serve me,) / to make my name known to Gentiles and kings (to make my name known to Gentiles and kings) / and to the people of Israel. (and to the people of Israel.) / The Lord said to him, Go, because I have chosen him to serve me, to make my name known to Gentiles and kings and to the people of Israel. (The Lord said to him, Go, because I have chosen him to serve me, to make my name known to Gentiles and kings and to the people of Israel.) / And I myself will show him (And I myself will show him) / all that he must suffer for my sake. (all that he must suffer for my sake.) / And I myself will show him all that he must suffer for my sake. (And I myself will show him all that he must suffer for my sake.)

So Ananias went, (So Ananias went,) / entered the house where Saul was, (entered the house where Saul was,) / and placed his hands on him. (and placed his hands on him.) / So Ananias went, entered the house where Saul was, and placed his hands on him. (So Ananias went, entered the house where Saul was, and placed his hands on him.)

Brother Saul, he said, (Brother Saul, he said,) / the Lord has sent me — Jesus himself, (the Lord has sent me — Jesus himself,) / Brother Saul, he said, the Lord has sent me — Jesus himself, (Brother Saul, he said, the Lord has sent me — Jesus himself,) / who appeared to you on the road (who appeared to you on the road) / as you were coming here. (as you were coming here.) / who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here. (who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here.) / He sent me (He sent me) / so that you might see again (so that you might see again) / and be filled with the Holy Spirit. (and be filled with the Holy Spirit.) / He sent me so that you might see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit. (He sent me so that you might see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.)

At once (At once) / something like fish scales (something like fish scales) / fell from Saul’s eyes, (fell from Saul’s eyes,) / and he was able to see again. (and he was able to see again.) / At once something like fish scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he was able to see again. (At once something like fish scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he was able to see again.)

Lesson 15I
00:00 / 06:09

Listen to the example:




15.1-A Repeat each sentence.

He stood up (He stood up) / and was baptized; (and was baptized;) / and after he had eaten, (and after he had eaten,) / his strength came back. (his strength came back.) / He stood up and was baptized; and after he had eaten, his strength came back. (He stood up and was baptized; and after he had eaten, his strength came back.)

Saul stayed for a few days (Saul stayed for a few days) / with the believers in Damascus. (with the believers in Damascus.) / Saul stayed for a few days with the believers in Damascus. (Saul stayed for a few days with the believers in Damascus.) / He went straight to the synagogues (He went straight to the synagogues) / and began to preach (and began to preach) / that Jesus was the Son of God. (that Jesus was the Son of God.) / He went straight to the synagogues and began to preach that Jesus was the Son of God. (He went straight to the synagogues and began to preach that Jesus was the Son of God.)

All who heard him (All who heard him) / were amazed and asked, (were amazed and asked,) / Isn’t he the one who in Jerusalem (Isn’t he the one who in Jerusalem) / was killing those who worship that man Jesus? (was killing those who worship that man Jesus?) / All who heard him were amazed and asked, Isn’t he the one who in Jerusalem was killing those who worship that man Jesus? (All who heard him were amazed and asked, Isn’t he the one who in Jerusalem was killing those who worship that man Jesus?) / And didn’t he come here (And didn’t he come here) / for the very purpose of arresting those people (for the very purpose of arresting those people) / and taking them back to the chief priests? (and taking them back to the chief priests?) / And didn’t he come here for the very purpose of arresting those people and taking them back to the chief priests? (And didn’t he come here for the very purpose of arresting those people and taking them back to the chief priests?)

Lesson 15J
00:00 / 04:22






15.1-B Read A WISE MAN’S DISCOVERY aloud for pronunciation practice.

A WISE MAN’S DISCOVERY: A Fable for English Learners

1 A long time ago, there was a wise man living in the Low Country. He and his neighbors had built new homes and started a new life.

2 Their first winter in the Low Country was difficult because many had not finished their houses or harvested their corps before winter. When spring finally came, they knew that they must not only plant their crops, but they must also build a granary to store the coming harvest.

3 They talked much about the granary. When they lived in the High Country, they only needed to build it strong enough to keep Goat out. In the Low Country, they knew they also needed to consider Bear, Deer, and Elk. Because Bear was powerful, the granary must be very strong.

4 There was an old steel road that passed by their village. The large steam-breathing machines that once used this road no longer needed it. There was a huge iron box on wheels about a half hour’s walk up the steel road from the village. All agreed that if the box could be pushed to the village, it could serve as a safe granary. Even Bear could not open the strong iron doors.

5 So the men tried to push the iron box to the village. But it was so heavy that they could barely make it move. All the men worked very hard. After much effort, they had pushed the box only as far as the length of a man’s hand before they needed to rest. For two days they pushed and rested. Pushed and rested. Then they pushed and rested some more. At last, they were all exhausted. “It would take less work,” they said, “to build a granary in the village than to move the iron box.”

6 A new granary was built in the village. It held food during two winters. And then the drought came. The fields produced little grain. In the fall, few berries were found in the forest because Bear was taking almost everything for himself. Deer and Elk were eating all that was left. Still, because the people had been careful and worked hard, the granary held enough food to last them for the winter.

7 Then one night, just before Bear was ready to go to sleep for the winter, he smashed the granary door. He ate much of the food. After Bear left, Deer and Elk also filled their bellies.

8 During the cold, hard winter, when everyone was hungry, the wise man thought again about the iron box on the steel road. Certainly, he decided, there must be a way to move it to the village. Was it possible that the problem had been that they had stopped to rest each time after moving the iron box only a short distance?

9 Early the next spring, the wise man had a plan. He took four young men with him to the iron box on wheels. Each man led his donkey.

10 The men first tied a long rope to the front of the iron box. Then they cut a tall tree for a pole and stood it upright. They threw the rope over the top of the pole. Finally, they fastened heavy rocks to the end of the rope. The wise man knew that the rope was pulling on the iron box even though it was not yet moving. Next, the wise man harnessed the donkeys to the iron box so that they could also pull. Finally, the wise man and the four young men pushed as hard as they could. The iron box slowly began to move.

11 But the wise man’s plan was different from the villagers’ plan before. He and the young men did not stop to rest. Instead, even after the heavy rocks had reached the ground, the men kept pushing the iron box.

12 The iron box on wheels did just what the wise man thought it would. The longer they pushed, the faster the iron box moved. They did not need to work as hard to keep it rolling once it began to move.

13 The wise man knew that if all of the village men would work together, they could move the iron box to the village. He knew that they would all need to work very hard to get the iron box to start moving. Then once it was moving some could rest and others could push. If they did not stop, they could slowly move the iron box to their village.

14 The next year, their food would be safe from Bear.

15 If you are beginning to study English with SPOKEN ENGLISH LEARNED QUICKLY, you know that learning any language is difficult. You may work hard for two or three weeks and it will seem like nothing is happening. However, learning to speak English is much like pushing a heavy car on a railroad track. It will take much effort at first. But if you keep working, you will see more and more progress.

Lesson 15 Text
00:00 / 05:43

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