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American English Lesson 8

Listen to the example:




Lesson Text 3:11-26 (Acts).

8.1a Repeat each sentence.

As the man held on to Peter and John (As the man held on to Peter and John) / in Solomon’s Porch, as it was called, (in Solomon’s Porch, as it was called,) / the people were amazed and ran to them. (the people were amazed and ran to them.)


When Peter saw the people, (When Peter saw the people,) / he said to them, (he said to them,) / Why are you surprised at this, (Why are you surprised at this,) / and why do you stare at us? (and why do you stare at us?)


Do you think that it was by means (Do you think that it was by means) / of our own power or godliness (of our own power or godliness) / that we made this man walk? (that we made this man walk?) / Do you think that it was by means of our own power or godliness that we made this man walk? (Do you think that it was by means of our own power or godliness that we made this man walk?)


The God of our ancestors, (The God of our ancestors,) / has given divine glory (has given divine glory) / to his Servant Jesus. (to his Servant Jesus.) / But you handed him over to the authorities, (But you handed him over to the authorities,) / and you rejected him in the Roman judge’s presence, (and you rejected him in the Roman judge’s presence,) / even after he had decided to set him free. (even after he had decided to set him free.)


He was holy and good, (He was holy and good,) / but you rejected him, (but you rejected him,) / He was holy and good, but you rejected him. (He was holy and good, but you rejected him,) / and instead you asked the Roman judge to do you the favor (and instead you asked the Roman judge to do you the favor) / of turning loose a murderer. (of turning loose a murderer.) / and instead you asked the Roman judge to do you the favor of turning loose a murderer. (and instead you asked the Roman judge to do you the favor of turning loose a murderer.)

Lesson 8A
00:00 / 03:45

Listen to the example:




8.1b Repeat each sentence.

You killed the one who leads to life, (You killed the one who leads to life,) / but God raised him from death (but God raised him from death) / and we are witnesses to this. (and we are witnesses to this.) / You killed the one who leads to life, but God raised him from death, and we are witnesses to this. (You killed the one who leads to life, but God raised him from death, and we are witnesses to this.)

It was the power of his name (It was the power of his name) / that gave strength to this lame man. (that gave strength to this lame man.) / It was the power of his name that gave strength to this lame man. (It was the power of his name that gave strength to this lame man.) / What you see and know (What you see and know) / was done by faith in his name; (was done by faith in his name;) / What you see and know was done by faith in his name; (What you see and know was done by faith in his name;) / it was faith in Jesus that has made him well, (it was faith in Jesus that has made him well,) / as you can all see. (as you can all see.) / it was faith in Jesus that has made him well, as you can all see. (it was faith in Jesus that has made him well, as you can all see.)

And now, my friends, (And now, my friends,) / I know that what you and your leaders did to Jesus (I know that what you and your leaders did to Jesus) / was due to your ignorance. (was due to your ignorance.) / And now, my friends, I know that what you and your leaders did to Jesus was due to your ignorance. (And now, my friends, I know that what you and your leaders did to Jesus was due to your ignorance.)

God announced long ago (God announced long ago) / through all the prophets (through all the prophets) / that his Messiah had to suffer; (that his Messiah had to suffer;) / and he made it come true in this way. (and he made it come true in this way.)

Repent, then, and turn to God, (Repent, then, and turn to God,) / so that he will forgive your sins. (so that he will forgive your sins.) / Repent, then, and turn to God, so that he will forgive your sins. (Repent, then, and turn to God, so that he will forgive your sins.)

Lesson 8B
00:00 / 04:25

Listen to the example:




8.1c Repeat each sentence.

If you do, (If you do,) / times of spiritual strength will come from the Lord, (times of spiritual strength will come from the Lord,) / If you do, times of spiritual strength will come from the Lord, (If you do, times of spiritual strength will come from the Lord,) / and he will send Jesus, (and he will send Jesus,) / who is the Messiah he has already chosen for you. (who is the Messiah he has already chosen for you.)

He must remain in heaven (He must remain in heaven) / until the time comes for all things to be made new, (until the time comes for all things to be made new,) / as God announced (as God announced) / through his holy prophets of long ago. (through his holy prophets of long ago.)

All the prophets who had a message, (All the prophets who had a message,) / announced what has been happening these days. (announced what has been happening these days.)

The promises of God through his prophets (The promises of God through his prophets) / are for you, (are for you,) / The promises of God through his prophets are for you, (The promises of God through his prophets are for you,) / and you share in the covenant (and you share in the covenant) / which God made with your ancestors. (which God made with your ancestors.)

And so God chose his Servant (And so God chose his Servant) / and sent him to you first, (and sent him to you first,) / And so God chose his Servant and sent him to you first, (And so God chose his Servant and sent him to you first,) / to bless you (to bless you) / by making every one of you (by making every one of you) / turn away from your wicked ways. (turn away from your wicked ways.) / to bless you by making every one of you turn away from your wicked ways. (to bless you by making every one of you turn away from your wicked ways.)

Lesson 8C
00:00 / 03:51

Listen to the example:




8.2 I will say, “It happened because we thought about the father of John.” You will answer, “It happened because we thought about John’s father.”

8.2a It happened because we thought about the father of John.
(It happened because we thought about John’s father.) It happened because we thought about John’s father. (It happened because we thought about John’s father.)

8.2b It happened because we thought about the strength of John.
(It happened because we thought about John’s strength.) It happened because we thought about John’s strength. (It happened because we thought about John’s strength.)

8.2c It happened because they announced the help of the servant.
(It happened because they announced the servant’s help.) It happened because they announced the servant’s help. (It happened because they announced the servant’s help.)

8.2d It happened because they took the car of the leader.
(It happened because they took the leader’s car.) It happened because they took the leader’s car. (It happened because they took the leader’s car.)

8.2e It happened because they came to the house of their ancestor.
(It happened because they came to their ancestor’s house.) It happened because they came to their ancestor’s house. (It happened because they came to their ancestor’s house.)

8.2f It happened because he stood on the porch of his father.
(It happened because he stood on his father’s porch.) It happened because he stood on his father’s porch. (It happened because he stood on his father’s porch.)

8.2g It happened because she took the license number of the car.
(It happened because she took the car’s license number.) It happened because she took the car’s license number. (It happened because she took the car’s license number.)

8.3 Repeat each word (regular verbs).

TO BLESS (to bless) / She promised to bless it. (She promised to bless it.)

Bless. (Bless.) / Please bless it. (Please bless it.)

blessing (blessing) / He is blessing it. (He is blessing it.)

blessed (blessed) / it is blessed (it is blessed) / it was blessed (it was blessed) / it will be blessed (it will be blessed)

I bless (I bless) / he blesses (he blesses) / she blesses (she blesses) / it blesses (it blesses) / you bless (you bless) / we bless (we bless) / they bless (they bless)

I blessed (I blessed) / he blessed (he blessed) / she blessed (she blessed) / it blessed (it blessed) / you blessed (you blessed) / we blessed (we blessed) / they blessed (they blessed)

I will bless (I will bless) / he will bless (he will bless) / she will bless (she will bless) / it will bless (it will bless) / you will bless (you will bless) / we will bless (we will bless) / they will bless (they will bless)

Lesson 8D
00:00 / 05:25

Listen to the example:




8.3 Repeat each word (regular verbs).

TO ANNOUNCE (to announce) / She promised not to announce it. (She promised not to announce it.)

Announce. (Announce.) / Please don’t announce it. (Please don’t announce it.)

announcing (announcing) / She is announcing it. (She is announcing it.)

announced (announced) / it is announced (it is announced) / it was announced (it was announced) / it will be announced (it will be announced)

I announce (I announce) / he announces (he announces) / she announces (she announces) / it announces (it announces) / you announce (you announce) / we announce (we announce) / they announce (they announce)

I announced (I announced) / he announced (he announced) / she announced (she announced) / it announced (it announced) / you announced (you announced) / we announced (we announced) / they announced (they announced)

I will announce (I will announce) / he will announce (he will announce) / she will announce (she will announce) / it will announce (it will announce) / you will announce (you will announce) / we will announce (we will announce) / they will announce (they will announce)

TO MURDER (to murder) / She promised not to murder. (She promised not to murder.)


Murder. (Murder.) / Please don’t murder. (Please don’t murder.)

murdering (murdering) / She is murdering it. (She is murdering it.)

murdered (murdered) / it is murdered (it is murdered ) / he was murdered (he was murdered) / he will be murdered (he will be murdered)

I murder (I murder) / he murders (he murders) / she murders (she murders) / it murders (it murders) / you murder (you murder) / we murder (we murder) / they murder (they murder)

I murdered (I murdered) / he murdered (he murdered) / she murdered (she murdered) / it murdered (it murdered) / you murdered (you murdered) / we murdered (we murdered) / they murdered (they murdered)

I will murder (I will murder) / he will murder (he will murder) / she will murder (she will murder) / it will murder (it will murder) / you will murder (you will murder) / we will murder (we will murder) / they will murder (they will murder)

Lesson 8E
00:00 / 04:18

Listen to the example:




8.4 Repeat each sentence.

Complete the following sentences with “beside it each afternoon.” I will say, “I remain.” You will answer, “I remain beside it each afternoon.”
I remain. (I remain beside it each afternoon.) / He remains (He remains beside it each afternoon.) / You remain (You remain beside it each afternoon.) / We remain (We remain beside it each afternoon.) / They remain (They remain beside it each afternoon.)

Complete the following sentences with “as if there was no noise.”
I remained (I remained as if there was no noise.) / She remained (She remained as if there was no noise.) / You remained (You remained as if there was no noise.) / We remained (We remained as if there was no noise.) / They remained (They remained as if there was no noise.)

Complete the following sentences with “when the leader comes.”
I will remain (I will remain when the leader comes.) / He will remain (He will remain when the leader comes.) / You will remain (You will remain when the leader comes.) / We will remain (We will remain when the leader comes.) / They will remain (They will remain when the leader comes.)

Complete the following sentences with “more every day.”
I separate (I separate more every day.) / He separates (He separates more every day.) / You separate (You separate more every day.) / We separate (We separate more every day.) / They separate (They separate more every day.)


Complete the following sentences with “the crowd by means of this.”
I separated (I separated the crowd by means of this.) / She separated (She separated the crowd by means of this.) / You separated (You separated the crowd by means of this.) / We separated (We separated the crowd by means of this.) / They separated (They separated the crowd by means of this.)

Complete the following sentences with “all my books.”
I will separate (I will separate all my books.) / He will separate (He will separate all my books.) / You will separate (You will separate all my books.) / We will separate (We will separate all my books.) / They will separate (They will separate all my books.)

Lesson 8F
00:00 / 04:16

Listen to the example:




8.4 Repeat each sentence.

Complete the following sentences with “more every day.”
I suffer (I suffer more every day.) / He suffers (He suffers more every day.) / You suffer (You suffer more every day.) / We suffer (We suffer more every day.) / They suffer (They suffer more every day.)

Complete the following sentences with “to think of their ignorance.”
I suffered (I suffered to think of their ignorance.) / She suffered (She suffered to think of their ignorance.) / You suffered (You suffered to think of their ignorance.) / We suffered (We suffered to think of their ignorance.) / They suffered (They suffered to think of their ignorance.)

Complete the following sentences with “even to do them a favor.”
I will suffer (I will suffer even to do them a favor.) / He will suffer (He will suffer even to do them a favor.) / You will suffer (You will suffer even to do them a favor.) / We will suffer (We will suffer even to do them a favor.) / They will suffer (They will suffer even to do them a favor.)

8.5 Repeat each word (irregular verbs).

TO THINK (to think) / She promised to think. (She promised to think.)

Think. (Think.) / Please think. (Please think.)

thinking (thinking) / He is thinking. (He is thinking.)

thought (thought) / it is thought (it is thought) / it was thought (it was thought) / it will be thought (it will be thought)

I think (I think) / he thinks (he thinks) / she thinks (she thinks) / it thinks (it thinks) / you think (you think) / we think (we think) / they think (they think)
I thought (I thought) / he thought (he thought) / she thought (she thought) / it thought (it thought) / you thought (you thought) / we thought (we thought) / they thought (they thought)

I will think (I will think) / he will think (he will think) / she will think (she will think) / it will think (it will think) / you will think (you will think) / we will think (we will think) / they will think (they will think)

Lesson 8G
00:00 / 04:15

Listen to the example:




8.5 Repeat each word (irregular verbs).

TO GO (to go) / She promised to go. (She promised to go.)

Go. (Go.) / Please go. (Please go.)

going (going) / She is going. (She is going.)

gone (gone) / it is gone (it is gone) / it was gone (it was gone) / it will be gone (it will be gone)

I go (I go) / he goes (he goes) / she goes (she goes) / it goes (it goes) / you go (you go) / we go (we go) / they go (they go)

I went (I went) / he went (he went) / she went (she went) / it went (it went) / you went (you went) / we went (we went) / they went (they went)

I will go (I will go) / he will go (he will go) / she will go (she will go) / it will go (it will go) / you will go (you will go) / we will go (we will go) / they will go (they will go)

TO RUN (to run) / She promised to run. (She promised to run.)


Run. (Run.) / Please run. (Please run.)

running (running) / He is running. (He is running.)

run (run) / it is run (it is run) / it was run (it was run) / it will be run (it will be run)

I run (I run) / he runs (he runs) / she runs (she runs) / it runs (it runs) / you run (you run) / we run (we run) / they run (they run)

I ran (I ran) / he ran (he ran) / she ran (she ran) / it ran (it ran) / you ran (you ran) / we ran (we ran) / they ran (they ran)

I will run (I will run) / he will run (he will run) / she will run (she will run) / it will run (it will run) / you will run (you will run) / we will run (we will run) / they will run (they will run)

TO SEND (to send) / She promised to send them. (She promised to send them.)


Send. (Send.) / Please send some. (Please send some.)

sending (sending) / He is sending them. (He is sending them.)

sent (sent) / he is sent (he is sent) / she was sent (she was sent) / it will be sent (it will be sent)

I send (I send) / he sends (he sends) / she sends (she sends) / it sends (it sends) / you send (you send) / we send (we send) / they send (they send)

I sent (I sent) / he sent (he sent) / she sent (she sent) / it sent (it sent) / you sent (you sent) / we sent (we sent) / they sent (they sent)

I will send (I will send) / he will send (he will send) / she will send (she will send) / it will send (it will send) / you will send (you will send) / we will send (we will send) / they will send (they will send)

Lesson 8H
00:00 / 05:30

Listen to the example:




8.5 Repeat each word (irregular verbs).

TO DRIVE (to drive) / She promised to drive today. (She promised to drive today.)

Drive. (Drive.) / Please drive your own car. (Please drive your own car.)

driving (driving) / He is driving his car. (He is driving his car.)

driven (driven) / he is driven (he is driven) / she was driven (she was driven) / it will be driven (it will be driven)

I drive (I drive) / he drives (he drives) / she drives (she drives) / it drives (it drives) / you drive (you drive) / we drive (we drive) / they drive (they drive)

I drove (I drove) / he drove (he drove) / she drove (she drove) / it drove (it drove) / you drove (you drove) / we drove (we drove) / they drove (they drove)

I will drive (I will drive) / he will drive (he will drive) / she will drive (she will drive) / it will drive (it will drive) / you will drive (you will drive) / we will drive (we will drive) / they will drive (they will drive)

TO SING (to sing) / They promised to sing. (They promised to sing.)Sing. (Sing.) / Please sing something. (Please sing something.)


singing (singing) / He is singing to them. (He is singing to them.)

sung (sung) / it is sung (it is sung) / it was sung (it was sung) / it will be sung (it will be sung)

I sing (I sing) / he sings (he sings) / she sings (she sings) / it sings (it sings) / you sing (you sing) / we sing (we sing) / they sing (they sing)

I sang (I sang) / he sang (he sang) / she sang (she sang) / it sang (it sang) / you sang (you sang) / we sang (we sang) / they sang (they sang)

I will sing (I will sing) / he will sing (he will sing) / she will sing (she will sing) / it will sing (it will sing) / you will sing (you will sing) / we will sing (we will sing) / they will sing (they will sing)

TO LOSE (to lose) / She promised not to lose it. (She promised not to lose it.)Lose. (Lose.) / Please don’t lose them. (Please don’t lose them.)


losing (losing) / He is losing his money. (He is losing his money.)

lost (lost) / he is lost (he is lost) / she was lost (she was lost) / it will be lost (it will be lost)

I lose (I lose) / he loses (he loses) / she loses (she loses) / it loses (it loses) / you lose (you lose) / we lose (we lose) / they lose (they lose)

I lost (I lost) / he lost (he lost) / she lost (she lost) / it lost (it lost) / you lost (you lost) / we lost (we lost) / they lost (they lost)

I will lose (I will lose) / he will lose (he will lose) / she will lose (she will lose) / it will lose (it will lose) / you will lose (you will lose) / we will lose (we will lose) / they will lose (they will lose)

Lesson 8I
00:00 / 06:10

Listen to the example:




8.6 I will say, “Did you call my brother?” You will answer, “Why are you staring at me? I called your brother.”

8.6a Did you call my brother?
(Why are you staring at me? I called your brother.) Why are you staring at me? I called your brother. (Why are you staring at me? I called your brother.)

8.6b Did they come back to the city?
(Why are you staring at them? They came back to the city.) Why are you staring at them? They came back to the city. (Why are you staring at them? They came back to the city.)

8.6c Did he bless his brother?
(Why are you staring at him? He blessed his brother.) Why are you staring at him? He blessed his brother. (Why are you staring at him? He blessed his brother.)

8.6d Did they wait before they ran?
(Why are you staring at them? They waited before they ran.) Why are you staring at them? They waited before they ran. (Why are you staring at them? They waited before they ran.)

8.6e Did we include the servant?
(Why are you staring at us? We included the servant.) Why are you staring at us? We included the servant. (Why are you staring at us? We included the servant.)

8.6f Did they come together to reject their leader?
(Why are you staring at them? They came together to reject their leader.) Why are you staring at them? They came together to reject their leader. (Why are you staring at them? They came together to reject their leader.)

8.6g Did you destroy that book?
(Why are you staring at me? I destroyed that book.) Why are you staring at me? I destroyed that book. (Why are you staring at me? I destroyed that book.)


A / a
B / b
C / c
D / d
E / e
F / f
G / g
H / h
I / i
J / j
K / k
L / l
M / m
N / n
O / o
P / p
Q / q
R / r
S / s
T / t
U / u
V / v
W / w
X / x
Y / y
Z / z

Lesson 8J
00:00 / 04:01

Listen to the example:




8.8 I will ask a question. You will answer the question by saying, “I told you a long time ago that _________.”

8.8a Will we be leaving together?
(I told you a long time ago that we will be leaving together.) I told you a long time ago that we will be leaving together. (I told you a long time ago that we will be leaving together.)

8.8b Will they reject their ignorance?
(I told you a long time ago that they will reject their ignorance.) I told you a long time ago that they will reject their ignorance. (I told you a long time ago that they will reject their ignorance.)

8.8c Will he suffer because of their presence?
I told you a long time ago that he will suffer because of their presence.) I told you a long time ago that he will suffer because of their presence. (I told you a long time ago that he will suffer because of their presence.)

8.8d Will the whole store be closed?
(I told you a long time ago that the whole store will be closed.) I told you a long time ago that the whole store will be closed. (I told you a long time ago that the whole store will be closed.)

8.8e Will all our children be at the house?
(I told you a long time ago that all our children will be at the house.) I told you a long time ago that all our children will be at the house. (I told you a long time ago that all our children will be at the house.)

8.8f Will he do his own work instead?
(I told you a long time ago that he will do his own work instead.) I told you a long time ago that he will do his own work instead. (I told you a long time ago that he will do his own work instead.)

8.8g Will it destroy every car in the city?
(I told you a long time ago that it will destroy every car in the city.) I told you a long time ago that it will destroy every car in the city. (I told you a long time ago that it will destroy every car in the city.)

8.8h Will they stare at the fire all day?
(I told you a long time ago that they will stare at the fire all day.) I told you a long time ago that they will stare at the fire all day. (I told you a long time ago that they will stare at the fire all day.)

Lesson 8K
00:00 / 03:53





Lesson Text 3:11-26 (Acts)

Read the Lesson Text aloud. Read the entire section until you can pronounce each word correctly, reading each paragraph without pausing. Practice until you can read the entire Lesson Text with good English pronunciation.


As the man held on to Peter and John in Solomon’s Porch, as it was called, the people were amazed and ran to them. When Peter saw the people, he said to them, “Why are you surprised at this, and why do you stare at us? Do you think that it was by means of our own power or godliness that we made this man walk? The God of our ancestors, has given divine glory to his Servant Jesus. But you handed him over to the authorities, and you rejected him in the Roman judge’s presence, even after he had decided to set him free. He was holy and good, but you rejected him, and instead you asked the Roman judge to do you the favor of turning loose a murderer.

“You killed the one who leads to life, but God raised him from death, and we are witnesses to this. It was the power of his name that gave strength to this lame man. What you see and know was done by faith in his name; it was faith in Jesus that has made him well, as you can all see. And now, my friends, I know that what you and your leaders did to Jesus was due to your ignorance. God announced long ago through all the prophets that his Messiah had to suffer; and he made it come true in this way. Repent, then, and turn to God, so that he will forgive your sins.

“If you do, times of spiritual strength will come from the Lord, and he will send Jesus, who is the Messiah he has already chosen for you. He must remain in heaven until the time comes for all things to be made new, as God announced through his holy prophets of long ago. All the prophets who had a message, announced what has been happening these days. The promises of God through his prophets are for you, and you share in the covenant which God made with your ancestors. And so God chose his Servant and sent him to you first, to bless you by making every one of you turn away from your wicked ways.”

Lesson 8 Text
00:00 / 03:20

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